Age-related changes in neural networks supporting complex visual and social processing in adolescence

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Journal Article

Despite our differences, there is much about the natural visual world that almost all observers apparently perceive in common. This coherence across observers is evidenced by the finding that, across adults, approximately 30% of the brain is activated in a consistent fashion in response to viewing naturalistic input. The critical question addressed here is how does this consistency emerge and is this pattern of coherence apparent from early in development or does it evolve with time and/or experience? We focused our investigation at a key developmental juncture that might bridge the child and adult patterns, namely, the period of adolescence. We acquired fMRI BOLD data evoked by an 11-minute age-appropriate movie in younger (age 9-14 years) and older adolescents (age 15-19 years) and in adults. Using an intra-subject correlation approach, we characterized the consistency of the neural response within-individual (across two separate runs of the movie), and then, using an inter-subject correlation approach, evaluated the similarity of the response profile within individuals of the same age group and between age-groups. In primary sensory areas (A1+, V1) the response profiles in both groups of adolescents were highly similar to those of the adults, suggesting that these areas are functionally mature at earlier stages of the development. In contrast, some other regions exhibited higher within-age correlations in the adolescent groups than in the adult group. Last, we evaluated the brain responses across the whole cortex and identified the different patterns of maturation as reflected in different inter-subject correlations across the age groups. Together, these findings provide a fine-grained characterization of functional neural development. The approach offers the potential for careful tracking of the development of widespread cortical networks that support the emerging stereotypical responses to naturalistic visual and social stimuli and has important implications for future studies of cortical development.

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